Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tagmash, or, why Tim from LibraryThing is a genius

Go read this post at Thingology and tell me that Tim from LibraryThing isn't a genius.

I dare you. I double dog dare you. I triple dog dare you.

LibraryThing just went live with something called tagmash. It allows you to search for all the books that have two or more tags.

Want to know all of the books that have the tags "cat" and "chicklit"? I did.Here they are.

It's pretty cool to get a collocated list like that.

As Tim points out in his post, though, it does show how tags are only as good as their users. I have an idea of what I think "chick lit" is, and some of these titles don't fit my definition of chick lit.

What's awesome about tagmash, though, is that people using LibraryThing can get instant feedback on these books. On this list, I see a title by an author I like (Bet me by Jennifer Cruisie). I click on the link and see member reviews *and* how many users gave the title five stars.

It's one stop shopping at its best, methinks.

Imagine if our library catalogs had all this going for it: tags and tag mashups, user reviews, and user ratings.

It boggles the mind.


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